GAU presented a counter offer on Article 7 (workload). UF presented counter-offers on Articles 8, 16, and 9.
Article 7: Workload (GAU counter-offer):
Article 8: Paid Leave, and 16: Use of Facilities (UF counter) UF re-asserted their previous offers from 9/30/24 regarding:
Article 9: Academic Freedom (UF counter): On Article 9 UF agreed to some of GAU’s changes in language, but UF doesn’t want to create a sentence that protects a GA’s research from University-level regulations on what can be taught. Article 9: Academic Freedom
We debated language in this article regarding the definition of academic freedom, when GA’s are acting as individual versus when we are acting as UF employees, the responsibility of the university for protecting research, and the university’s ability to prohibit lines of research. Article 16- Use of Facilities GAU has made a concession on the FTE for Release Time employees (RT) that we requested in the past. We leave it at 4.5 FTE.
Article 8- Paid Leave
Article 10 - Stipends
UF brought several counterproposals today.
Aticle 3- Consultations:
Article 8- Leaves of Absence
Article 16 - Use of Facilities This is another article we’re super far apart on.
Article 10- Stipends UF brought a new counterproposal to GAU’s counterproposal at the end of 9/23/24 session.
GAU initially brought 2 proposals to the table - 3 (Consultations) and 8 (Leaves of Absence)
Today GAU presented articles 7 (workload) and 10 (stipends):
Major changes:
This bargaining session, UF brought back proposals on Article 3 and Article 13. For both of these articles GAU had proposed new language to add clarification and protections for GAs. UF brought both of these articles back largely crossed out and with little suggestion or feedback. During an at length discussion on Article 13, we went section by section hear the university's reasoning for striking the provisions. Below outlines the university's general position.
The university feels that the extensive provisions GAU has added to extend discrimination protections for GA’s are not in their interest. In order to keep the protections the same for “all employees” they refuse to add additional protections to our contact. In short, UF crossed out the vast majority of our proposal and refuses to consider adding any part of it to this article. They feel that the CBA will not be used in discrimination cases as much as legal precedent and regulations - i.e. GA’s can file a grievance but, they will probably make more progress outside of the grievance process. As far as sexual harassment, UF similarly crossed out all additional clauses that specified forms of harassment or further protected GAs from different forms of sexual harassment. GAU argues that most of the added language throughout this article is to clarify what protections GAs have under the law and university policy and what their recourse could be for each type of infraction. If you are interested in more detail please check out our youtube for the full session recording!
Article 16 - Released-Time GAU reinserted current contract language for Article 16 after UF tried to completely erase released-time appointments. GAU also increased FTE of these appointments to 0.5 and changed our previous parking permit proposal to ask for a commercial parking permit. This would allow GAU leadership to transport materials back and forth from the GAU office directly. Article 8 - Leaves of Absence UF offers 2 days of bereavement leave for the death of an immediate family member, and 5 days if the family member lives internationally. This is in addition to the paid and unpaid leave we are already entitled to. They also left room for ambiguity using the language “requisite leave request form” to refer to the form needed to request any type of leave. GAU plans to respond to this proposal to ask for a more reasonable allotment for bereavement leave. Article 28 - University of Florida Regulations and Policies UF makes a distinction between impact bargaining and the articles intent to allow bargaining if the university makes a decision to implement a policy that has an impact on GAs wages, hours and terms and conditions of employment. It is only considered impact bargaining if there is a managerial right on UFs part. (This article was created to ensure the University fulfills their collective bargaining obligation before making a change that has an effect on our employment). There are three options when a change occurs - to reopen the article, decline to reopen until next full book bargaining and to waive the right to bargain on the change altogether. Article 9 - Academic Freedom GAU previous proposed language to clarify both what is allowed both in and outside of the classroom in regards to academic freedom. UF brought back a response to this proposal that struck most of these clarifications stating that they did not want to create a “legal test” in regard to relevance or the scope of activities. This includes striking out the phrase “expression of opinion as a citizen cannot constitute grounds for dismissal”. These arguments against broad language seem to directly contradict with language they have kept in their proposal in terms of what is not considered academic freedom. GAU will return a proposal that holds firm on our belief that clarifying these points is essential to protecting our rights as GAs. Article 4 - Appointments, Reappointments and Terminations In summary there were four substantive differences that UF and GAU have not yet come to agreement on. GAU wanted to structure this article to give GAs as much job security as possible and this includes setting 12 month appointments as the default unless there is a reason the department or advisor cannot fund a 12 month appointment. UF does not want to make this the default and wants to keep an explicit statement that an appointment only guarantees works for the term of the letter of appointment. While GAU wanted to include language that encourages continual reappointment, UF wants to keep the current contract language. Most of UF’s arguments against our proposed changes rest on “external checks”, meaning they believe students wont come here if other schools continually offer better. GAU feels UF should do better, AND be much more explicit about appointment terms and contract stipulations in letters of offer which are not binding. If you are interested in more detail please check out our youtube for the full session recording!
UF brought forth Article 23 (Totality of Agreement) with minor changes. They added a reference to Article 25 and modified a reference to Article 28. This was the only proposal UF presented this session. They plan to come back to Article 28 next week and plan to bring an Article 12, Health Insurance proposal next session, though they are not positive this will happen. GAU brought forth changes in Articles 3, 4, 8 and 9. Article 3 (Consultation) - GAU presented a proposal that holds firm on our position that the union should be able to meet with the University President when a decision may impact our employment conditions. GAU clarified that this is not to bargain but to share perspectives. The provision to meet with the president is already in the contract, but the current contract allows the president to appoint a designee to meet with us. We are trying to establish limited circumstances in which GAU could demand a meeting with a president and not a designee. Article 4 (Appointments, Reappointments and Terminations) - GAU spent the most time this session with Article 4. They proposed some minor language changes, and accepted a few of UF’s strikeouts. Most significantly, GAU reworked the language of this article to create rules for all terminations and non-renewal of appoints to be treated the same, and added in protections where PIPs (Personal Improvement Plans) are required for non-renewal/termination for performance and set distinct timelines for them. The reasons for non-renewal and termination were also consolidated. UF debated with GAU the most over their reinsertion of a severance provision, which would be required if a GA is being terminated/non-renewed due to no fault of their own. UF’s position is that if the GA is getting paid they should be working until the last day of pay. GAU emphasizes that this would not give GA’s time to search for a new position, and deal with their affairs. Article 8 (Leaves of Absence) - GAU added bereavement leave as a form of paid leave. With the proposed language a GA could take up to the full 8 weeks for bereavement and there was some discussion around the issue of time allowed for this form of leave. A GA attending the bargaining session shared her personal experience to speak on the importance of bereavement leave, especially for international students that must travel far. UF agreed to include some form of bereavement leave but will likely not allow the current language to stand as is. Article 9 (Academic Freedom) - Lastly, GAU made some minor changes to Article 9, reinserting a clauses regarding a GA’s right to academic freedom in the classroom and in their research as well as a GA’s right to speak freely and engage in political activity outside the university without fear of institutional repression. GAU also added language that would specifically allow GA’s to prohibit recording of class discussion, as protection against laws like HB7 This past bargaining session was focused primarily on 4 articles the updates for each are detailed below. If you are interested in more detail please check out our youtube for the full session recording!
Article 8 - Leaves of Absence UF’s proposal added the option of unpaid leave for internships related to a GA’s academic program. GAU will request the addition of paid bereavement leave to our contract in the next counterproposal. Article 3 - Consultation UF removed GAU proposal language that would allow the union to request a meeting with the university president under special circumstances. The provision to request a consultation with the president already exists but the current language allows the president to appoint a designee instead. GAU’s previous proposal defined special circumstances under which GAU could request a consultation, in which the president could not appoint a designee and would be obligated to meet with the union directly. Article 16 - Use of Facilities UF wants to eliminate the Release-Time (RT) positions from our bargaining contract, in which GA’s can be released from their normal duties to work for the union. These positions have existed since the union got bargaining rights (since the creation of our collective bargaining agreement). UF claims these positions are no longer in the interest of the university, however discussion made it clear that the UF team is not fully aware of the purpose of the RT position and what it exists to do. All Florida graduate assistant and faculty unions have these positions in their contract as they are essential for enforcement of the contract, which is a joint responsibility of the union and the employer. For this reason, these positions are included in other contracts because they benefit the university as well. UF has not adequately explained its sudden change in position on this article after multiple proposals had already been exchanged. Article 9 - Academic Freedom UF’s latest proposal kept many of the new provisions proposed by GAU. However, their proposal struck out a proposal that would specifically protect a GA’s right to discuss pertinent subjects in the classroom that students might find controversial as well as a proposal protecting GAs from employment-related consequences due to speech and political activity outside the university. |
BARGAININGCollective bargaining is the process by which labor unions negotiate with employers to reach a contract on terms of employment, including salary, health care, benefits, and workplace safety. Each year, GAU bargains with UF over such terms. Archives
August 2024